Delivery Policy
We aim to deliver your item(s) to you within 1-2 working days of receiving your order from our payments company. We cannot be held responsible for any delays, however caused. If your item(s) are out of stock, or will take longer than 3 working days to arrive, we will attempt to contact you via phone or email (if we have those details) and update you.
All items are sent out in good condition and undamaged. All items are sent at your own risk, although in the event of damage, we will claim for the item(s) on your behalf. The outcome is not guaranteed, and will usually take 4-6 weeks to be finalised. Should we be able to track your package and confirm it has been lost, or damaged before delivery - we will send replacement item at our cost. In these instances, you agree that should we (or the courier company) contact you for information needed to make any claims, you will fill in any forms required.
In the event of your item being damaged, please contact us within 24 hours of receipt . Failure to do so will presume the items have arrived in satisfactory conditions.
We offer several delivery options.
The standard delivery costs £15.50 PER ITEM (although this is included in the price you pay). This charge is the same for small items, as it is for 30KG items.